
Touch Rugby is an exciting and inclusive game, played by teams of 6 players, that promotes the fundamental skills of running, passing, catching, evasion, and support play.

Played by participants of all ages and genders, Touch Rugby develops basic attack and defence skills in a minimal contact environment. Touch Rugby is also played in mixed-gender formats as well as men's and women's teams.

The IRFU Touch Rugby course, developed in conjunction with the Ireland Touch Association (ITA) comprises 3 distinct modules and learners are invited to complete the module(s) they are most interested in:

  • "How to Play Touch Rugby" (online module)
  • "How to Coach Touch Rugby" (online module and practical workshop)
  • "How to Referee Touch Rugby" (online module and practical workshop)
The latest edition of the Federation of International Touch Rules can be accessed below. 

You can also take a look at the below video for a quick introduction on the rules of touch and how you play touch rugby.